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Learning to play the guitar is not an isolated experience. As a subscriber to our classical, jazz or blues online guitar lessons get the most out these lessons by getting involved in the EliteGuitarist community. Here you can get valuable help and offer encouragement to other students learning to play the guitar.
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Hello, my name is Filippo, I'm from São Paulo, Brazil. I'm 53 years old, and have been playing the acoustic guitar since I was 4 or 5. I had a rock band in my 20's (I played the electric guitar) but then stopped playing for some time. It had been many years I had not picked up my acoustic guitar, but fortunately it came back to me recently with a strong will. I have been playing steadily, every day, for about 3 months. I'm enjoying it very much and I think now it will be for the long run... In this time I started with Leyenda (Asturias), and have been practicing it since. My next piece was Capricho Arabe, through which I encountered Elite Guitarist, with Tavi playing the piece. I've seen and heard many performances, but Tavi's is definitely my favourite one, I really like the interpretation and the expression he puts on each note. I also keep practicing it. My current piece is La Catedral. I already got the first two parts and am now in the middle of the third (right where the virtuoso solo part starts). It's all very demanding and I don't want to get into that part until I am comfortable enough with what I have until now. The 3 mentioned pieces are still very raw, it will be months until I get them beautifully, hopefully! Anyway I'm enjoying it all very much, and Elite Guitarist has been a great source of inspiration and education. Thank you very much! Next I want to work on Milonga, by Diego Pujol, I got to know it through a message Tavi wrote in this Forum. I've looked everywhere for tabs but am not able to find them... would anyone know? Also I like Farewell, which is on Elite Guitarist, I will be tackling it soon. Sometime this year I would like to go to New York to buy a good acoustic guitar. I would appreciate some advice/recommendations on which guitar to buy, in the US$ 1.500 range. Maybe only trying them personally will decide, I think it's very individual. Well, it's good to be here. Cheers!