Hi I first acquired a guitar aged 14; that was sixty-two years ago. I learned the basic chords of C,F and G and there I stuck until I found a classical guitar that just attracted me. It’s tone and the playing of classical guitar pieces was my music. Then I was thirty. Lessons were such a challenge that I gave up and played folk music.
When retired I found a local instructor where I was living. He was good and thorough and prevented my impatience and was encouraging. After a while, I moved and have not found the right person since. In lock down I was looking to play Catalina, as I acquired the music long ago. In my search of the internet I came across Tavi’s instructions...’a tour deforce...‘ indeed!Too advanced for me. I then found Elite Guitarist and have just completed Lacrima. Such a good instruction that now I want to relearn as much as possible and advance my playing but especially my musicality. Thank you Tavi it is so encouraging to learn in this way And never too late in life.
Oh, Cavatina! I found the hearing of that piece to grab me and I could follow the bar chords that I saw Tavi playing. However, I decided to hold off for a bit before attempting it since it got the "Advanced" label. I am still working primarily in the Intermediate range, though I have done some beginning pieces. I learned Estudio #5 back in June -- a fun piece (please see my comments in the piece's comments section). Estudio #6 was also a joy to learn (my comments on it are in its section as well). I will keep trying on Estudio #1 but for now I must move on; I was getting into a rut.