Just a quick Hi to everyone. Joined Elite Guitarist today, full year subscription to the classical guitar module. Looking forward to leaning. Lets see what 2021 brings for all of us.
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Thanks Sarah - I'm going to re-record the video of Wild Mountain. I knew I had a Zoom Handy recorder lying about - never thought to use that, your video sounds ace. My video was annoying me because it just didn't sound right. I will use the zoom and the video recorder together.
Must have over done the training last week, I'm full of man flu - panicking a bit for this marathon - been training for months and it hits me this week! Should have realised the danger, my wife has had a chest infection for the past 10 days. So a combo of too much training and catching it off her. Still I'm determined to be there at the start - besides they give a free pint of beer to all finishers!!!!
Capricho - oooh very ambitious. And why not. It's fantastic. Looking at what you have achieved so far, I dont think your years away - but if you want some inspiration here is a link https://youtu.be/BJKYjXe6ACE . She's 7 years old! One day I will attempt it - not just yet - there so much lovely music out there in the meantime.
I have Torija under my fingers (almost ) I struggle with Measure 14 - the last 4 notes just does not sound right yet. Also Measure 6 & 22 - the last partial barres in the measures (they are the same more or less) - again I struggle to make them sound well. These are my red dangers spots - something I really need to work on. It's all problem solving I suppose. INstead of just working on those spot I tend to carried away and play the parts I can - that is counter productive and wastes time and effort - I need to be more disciplined and focussed.
If `I see you and recognize you on Sunday i will say hello (only if its at the start) if its at the end I will be too tired to walk or say anything!
Hi Sarah,
well it doesn't need me to say that you played that beautifully. So many positive comments on YouTube - and deservedly so. Lovely tone. Did you record the sound separately as well as the video? - really sweet quality I thought.
I've been recording myself to see a. what it sounds like and b. what I look like playing - so I can get feedback for myself. I will upload Wild Mountain Thyme in the next day or so. I have recorded it.
The marathon is in a couple of weeks, 24th - starts at the Pier Head finishes the same place too. There are various bands throughout the run, looking forward to that - take my mind off the pain of running. I will be glad when it's done, did a 20 miler on my own yesterday, I was so tired I didn't pick up the guitar at all, until saw your video today. ~Motivated me to do it.
One off the reasons I haven't uploaded is time (excuses!! - probably vanity as its far from perfect - and I think it has to be). But I've been learning to play the Beatles - In My Life - classical style - had this idea of videoing my marathon journey, and playing this music over it myself. The reason is that most of the course is run around places that I have worked and lived, for example around Everton, Anfield and of course the city centre. This year the course goes up Prince Edwin Street off Everton Rd - its where my mum lived with my nan - and I have great memories as a kid being there. Anyway I thought the tune would fit and it does sound lovely on the classical guitar (if played properly) problem is that I am behind schedule in my learning it. Probably just a romantic notion in my head but Im determined to do it.
Checked out Elites new videos on practice etc, some very good advice which I will use, especially setting up a practice routine. Tavi also talks about letting go of some of the pieces you have leaned - which is great - gives more time without feeling guilty!
Almost finished Torija (just the end to do and get it up to speed) , working on Canon too, early stages.
Whats next for you or what are you working on? Sorry this was a long ramble -
Morning John, ah the stretches in Torija are challenging but if I can (sort of) reach them now with my miniature hands then anyone can 😂
I don’t think any of the past work you’ve done has been wasted, I don’t know any of the music theory or anything but I do want to learn it. That’s what I absolutely loved about this site aswell, the way I could jump in as a beginner and learn note by note without being able to read music or being left behind. I’d have had no chance of actually learning a piece of music with the world shut down and no access to teachers or anything!
I absolutely love Lagrima too, and Tavi’s version is definitely my favourite. Turns such a simple piece into such a masterpiece 😂
Pepe Romero’s version is really lovely too, similar tempo.
Ah John I’m the same when I try to record myself!!
No way I can’t believe you’re from Liverpool too! Wonder if it’s just us two on here?
So happy to hear you feel motivated, I’m looking forward to hearing your progress and I think I’ll have a go at recording wild mountain thyme myself this weekend, if I do I’ll post it here.
Hi Sarah
I am well impressed with the repertoire you have achieved. All lovely pieces. I too have added Be Thou My Vision, Lagrima - again all from Elite Guitarist.
After you mentioned Torija I had a look at it. What a beautiful piece, I cannot understand why I hadn't looked at it, its definitely on my 'To Do ' list now. Although it frightens me, a couple of big stretches (as if thats the only thing to worry about).
I've been 'playing' about 4 years. It's hard to judge whether or not the first couple of years were worth it. I started with other sites, who in the end I felt was top heavy with drills and music theory. Whilst important I am under no illusion that I would ever even class myself as a guitarist. I just wanted to play the pieces that I loved to listen to. Maybe in time some theory will help me. Hence why I like Elite so much - it just gets on with playing, note by note - with some golden nuggets of advice. But that's been my journey and I suppose for me personally the first few years was not wasted.
My goal this month - is really to put my foot on the ball and assess where I am. I think I need to put some musicality into the pieces I have learned such as Lagrima. While I can play the notes it's not quite the way I want to play it, I want it to sound a lot better. I've heard a few people playing it and its a matter of analysing what they are doing and of course recording myself.
Its a funny thing I have tried recording myself in the past and my fingers suddenly get a mind of their own!! But still I think I'll spend the next 3 or 4 weeks doing just that. Then move onto something new.
As for the Beatles - what can I say I was born and bred in Liverpool, spent my working life there - but move out to the sticks. Some great Beatles melodies on a classical guitar. Bought a couple of Soren Madsen arrangements and watched his You Tubes. And that's part of my problem I can get distracted away from what `I should be doing and get overwhelmed my the amount of things I want!
Agree with you on the Live Streams - great addition to the sites, both educational and insightful. Great that you contacted me as its made me sit down and reflect and motivated me, just when I needed it - Thanks.
Anyway again it sounds like you are doing amazingly well, keep up all the good work. Feel free to let me know how you are getting on, it'll keep me motivated for sure. And I will post a video recording as you suggested.......................... eventually!
Hi Sarah
I think I'm getting on OK - it's hard to judge without a teacher giving you feedback.
I'm currently working on El Testament D'Amelia - playing it slowly and trying to smooth out the 'artificial harmonics' - it's pretty hit and miss.
And I learned Wild Mountain Thyme recently - needs polishing though - but I've learned more from Tavis site than anyone else's.
Also working on a couple of other tunes including one that is not a Classical Guitar piece - And I love her by the Beatles - its made for the classical guitar.
As you say Elite Guitarist is a brilliant site - I would say its the best around - I've tried Classical Guitar Shed, Classical Guitar Corner and Tone Base - all have their strengths but Elite is best for me - just wish that they would put on a few more Beginner and Intermediate pieces.
One thing that also helps me is a site by Douglas Niedt. He has a tips part - some free but for a small fee $36 - you get access to all his tips for a year. For example I am using his tips on artificial harmonics at the moment - its more in depth than Tavi's - they compliment each other - you don't need Niedt but I need extra help.
You say you have been playing a year - how are you getting on? The first few years are the toughest - I've been thinking of joining the Liverpool Classical Guitar Society - just to to give myself that extra pressure!!
Sorry about the long rambling reply just trying to encourage and support -
Hi John, I’m not too far from you over here in Liverpool! How are you getting on? I picked up the guitar a year ago and have found this site SO helpful
Thanks for the advice re instagram etc. John
Hi John
Not far away then in Wigan ;-). Thanks for reminding me and I have added an update to the intro/blurb on my area. Pretty much like yourself I tend to play for pleasure in my home although I do put myself out there now and again with the grades and a few very very small performances. You can post here and I also find instagram (mine is mullenms1) classical guitar family very supportive and a quick way to put up a performance or indeed what you are working on and questions. However I do believe that the instructional videos here are by and large the best out there on any platform.
All the best
Hi Martin - I'm just off the M6 - in Up holland (near Wigan). I've read your intro - very impressive going for your Grade 8. I have never taken Grades, maybe its something I should consider. I took to the guitar a 3 or 4 years ago. Tried various online self teaching methods. So I'm the classic play the guitar in the bedroom person. Never played in front of anyone - anyway I have Adelita, and Thou Art My Vision and a few others I'm learning. Never had a teacher only because there are so many out there I wouldn't know a good one from a bad one. Maybe in the next few weeks I'll have the nerve to post a video of me playing. Is this your main way of learning - through elite guitar?
Hi John...where are you based? I am in Northwich, Cheshire and have managed to find the money to re-subscribe here this year too. Look forward to seeing and hearing some posts & music from yourself!
Kind regards
Hi John, welcome to EliteGuitarist. Happy New Year and may you experience great joy in learning how to play. Cheers!
Ah typo spotted leaning instead of learning ........ well I suppose leaning could be used as I am leaning on everyone for support when trying to learn it. 😄