Hunkering down due to COVID-19, I've had a wonderful six weeks taking advantage of the initial month offer, and I'm continuing on as a paying customer. Now retired at 65 I have played all all styles of guitar, acoustic folk, rock lead, Celtic arrangements of my own, some jazz and swing, since age 14. Of course, that wasn't constant, given my education, non-musical career, family, other interests, and diversions into fiddle and banjo playing (which I continue).
When the coronavirus hit, I was on the verge of making a classical guitar purchase, upgrading from an ancient Goya nylon string guitar that I bought from a colleague graduate student 30 years ago to a nicer instrument (probably a Cordova at $1,200-ish). However, since the Goya stills sounds and plays okay, I decided to focus my energy on learning to play for the the next 4 to 6 months while our finances settle. The question that prompted me on this quest was: "Would I rather have a great guitar or be a great guitarist?" Choosing the latter, I've already picked out 20 tunes (to add to my existing 40 classical guitar repertoire) from Elitist Guitar. I consider myself an intermediate player; however, I am finding that level of tutorial plenty challenging. Last month I completed "Un Dia in Noviembre, "Be Thou My Vision," "Maleguena," and "Canon by Pachabel." They are not solid, but I know them by heart (memory). This month I've started "Girl with the Flaxen Hair" which brought me to Elite Guitarist in the first place. ("Oh, if I could only play like that," I mused.) Today, I was blown away by the harmonics (see my question post). Each of the online instructors here at EG-C is incredible, though my fingers don't stretch as far as theirs do and I can't keep the nails up. I am so excited about all the lovely tunes that I may capture during this period -- if I can only discipline myself to learn and practice up daily on the things I already know.
I look forward to taking on this journey with the rest of you!