Noob question here: What is the most efficient way to make recordings for posting, i.e., what hardware/software do you recommend and is getting a YouTube account the first step? Any help appreciated - thanks.
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I have a Zoom Q2n-4K. It is specifically made for recording Video and Audio of music instruments. Wide angle lens and two microphones which cross in a X pattern. Both video and audio are of very high quality. I hooked it up to a seperate monitor so I can see finger placement etc. when I practice.
Mohsin - hey this is very encouraging! Thanks again for such a quick response and sharing your experience.
Hi Kev, Take it from me my friend, it happens to all of us. I remember my first recording, I recorded it maybe 15 times before I was comfortable playing in front of the camera. Then, I had to record it another 15 odd times to get it right, and this was a piece with which I had been very comfortable. It is like anything new, it takes time. Now, that I have recorded several pieces, I am a little more confident and am able to record an entire piece in a few tries. It got easier with time and perseverance. Be patient with yourself and learn from your mistakes.
Mohsin & Tavi
Thanks for the quick response! You both gave me some good options to consider. As a beginner I will opt for a quick and cheap way to do this. I have a long way to go before I attempt to record as I can't even get through a piece without making several mistakes and having to start over. When I put the iPhone in front of me, to attempt a recording, it gets worse. Strange because I have the song, e.g., Lagrima, memorized, but for some reason, when I attempt to record, its horrible. In any event, thanks again for your help.
Hi Noob, thanks for your question and thanks Mohsin for sharing your recording options.
For my recordings I use a pair of Oktava Microphones Mk012 modded by Michael Jolly, the Duet Apogee interface. For cameras I use Canon 80D DSLR photo cameras. It's a bit more involve but it still a pretty simple setup. For video editing I synchronize everything in Final Cut Pro (a video editing software made for Mac computers).
However, when I just want to record something quickly, I just use my Phone and the recording quality has come a long way and is quite impressive on those little devices. Don't get too hung up on gear; set up a YouTube account and start uploading videos. Don't worry too much about the comments you receive on your videos. Take the encouragement and ignore the rest. Chew the meat and spit out the bones! (I hope I have not offended the vegetarians and vegans among us.)
Hi Kevin,
Firstly I would like to say that always ask questions, that is how we improve in life. Having said that I only started recording myself in February and I don't know if I am the most reliable source but I am happy to share with you what I have learnt in relevance to recording.
1. Record in a room which has a good "acoustic" quality and not a room with an echo.
2. Record with two mics, if possible, one parallel to the 12th fret of your guitar around 30/40 cm away and the other towards the side of the guitar. Make sure to place a rug under the mics also. If you don't have two mics, just use one in front of the 12th fret as suggested earlier. A cheap option of an all in one mic and recorder is the "Zoom H1". It will give you a good quality audio for a cheap price.
3. Once you have your mic set up, you can use a camera or your phone to record the video.
4. To sync the audio and the video, I use: GarageBand and iMovie on my Macbook. After I plug in both the audio from the Zoom H1 and the video from my phone and have the files on my computer, I edit the sound (usually only adding a little reverb) and then I proceed to syncing the audio and video on "iMovie". 5. You can easily make a YouTube account using your email address and then proceed to uploading the video onto your channel. I hope that was helpful.
All the best.